Yellow Head Trail - Rosetown Part 3 of 8
Buffalo Neighbours
Rimbey AB
Dynamite Skies
Buffalo Neighbours

The Yellow Head Trail also known as HWY 16 was a first class highway to Edmonton but I knew that I had to take HWY 22 South to Rimbey before I got into Edmonton. There was a large and very busy gas station at that turn-off so I saw an opportunity to get gas and confirm my directions to Rimbey at the same time. The gas station attendant said "Where?" He'd never heard of it. So I figured that if I just followed the Sun to the south along HWY 22S I'd probably run into it sooner or later. I rode south forever and forever and I never saw a sign for Rimbey. I saw lots and lots of empty space; no people and the occasional vehicle now and then. Apart from that, there was nothing; nothing again and then even more of nothing. I didn't seem to be getting anywhere so I decided to call my nephew when I came to the next intersecting side road. He surprised me by saying that I was only one Kilometre away from his house along the side-road. He and my niece had a beautiful large house with a sun porch; large patio and a three car garage. After I had parked my Harley I noticed a dozen or so Buffalos looking over his fence at me from the field next door. They had come over to say "Hi" to me too.
Rimbey AB
This is Rimbey's liquor store. I'd like to know what you were expecting in a very small Alberta town in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't have the style and the class of your average English Pub with its "Off Licence" window next to the large patio overlooking the bowling green in the back. Neither is it equipped with facilities for serving food and drinks outdoors for the benefit of its patrons. But, this outlet has the nicest and friendliest people just like the rest of the Rimbey folks and this Outlet satisfies their needs very nicely - and its open near twelve hours per day. I discovered that I was just about out of cash one morning so I paid a visit to the local Credit Union to use their Automated Banking Machine (ABM) to get some cash. My card wouldn't work so I repeated my attempts several times without success. I was left with no choice but to go inside the office to speak to someone even though the place was crowded. After I explained my problem to one of the tellers she smiled; closed and locked her cash drawer and said that she would come out with me while I tried again. Still no luck. She asked could she try and the ABM spit-out the correct number of brand new bills straight away. I accused her of being blessed with magic fingers and she smiled and said "Not at all Mr. Evans, we just like to help our customers whenever we can." Everyone I met in Rimbey was nice, polite and a real pleasure to talk to.
Dynamite Skies
My nephew and niece have a large and beautiful house facing due West. When the sun starts to go down just after supper is when the show begins. The three of us would simply position our balcony chairs looking west with our eyes fixed on the sky. In my seventy-two years I have never seen such dramatic patterns begin to appear and then change right before our eyes into an even greater spectacle. Every possible rainbow colour you could possibly imaging would illuminate the underbelly of the clouds as the sun began to sink lower on the horizon. Large clouds would shift and swirl right in front of us as if a hurricane was taking place up there. I became spell-bound. The stellar show would never be exactly the same for two nights in a row but each and every one would take your breath away. My title "Dynamite Skies" does not capture the full splendour of what takes place but it was the closest title I could think of.
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