Yellow Head Trail - Rosetown Part 2 of 8
Avalanche Territory
Mount Robson
Mummy, Daddy and the Kids
Avalanche Territory
I was having a good time and everything was going well. I had to adjust my thinking a little. I looked closely at my road map and then I realized why I saw almost no traffic along the Yellow Head Trail HWY 5N. The answer became self-evident. I was, literally, in the middle of nowhere. What I found most striking was that the landscaping was beginning to change dramatically. It was getting far more mountainous and signs were beginning to spring up all over the place warning us that we were entering dangerous Avalanche Territory. These were not gentle and friendly signs. They were not signs saying " Drive carefully turtles may be crossing here" like they have in Ontario. These signs meant business. They were deadly serious and they basically told you to watch your back. Look up; look down; look around; and take no chances if you sense danger. Between the danger signs guarding against Avalanches and the Danger Signs warning you against forest fires - my number one priority was changed to "Let me get out of here safely and as fast as possible!"
Mount Robson
After riding North along HWY 5 past Blue River and Valemount and then turning East along the Yellow Head Trail the dramatic change in landscape from hilly to mountainous really slaps you in the face. The entrance to Mount Robson Provincial Park is characterized by a giant signpost showing a Mountain Goat against a backdrop of extremely high mountains. I pulled-over to get a few photos. It was ominous. I didn't even attempt to estimate the height of this glorious mountain, which I often try to do - but if someone had told me that the top of the mountain lay in the stratosphere I would not have argued.
Mommy, Daddy and the Kids

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