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2014 Alaska Done - Part 2 of 10
Alaska Done
Part 2 of 10
The Grey Man
The Ghost
Grey Man
was up at 3:30am and ready to leave home at 4:30am for a half-hour
ride to the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal to catch the 6:20am Ferry to
Nanaimo. I have a tendency to do silly things like that. It arises
from my deep-seated fear of being late or in this case – of missing
an important Ferry. Of course, it was so early that the entire
terminal was still closed for the night. Not even the toll booths
were showing any signs of life so I parked my Harley in the lane
marked – Nanaimo. Moments later, an older man riding an older grey
Heritage Special Harley parked beside me . He staggered over to talk
to me because that's what us Harley Riders do. The man's skin tone
was grey; his ratty-looking beard was grey; his leather jacket that
had seen better days was grey and even his Harley was grey. He stunk
of booze. I couldn't help but notice his nine inch curved hunting
knife sheathed in a grey holster on his belt. Neither of us were in
the mood for talking. We were like two wary strangers meeting for the
first time in an old cowboy movie. He said “Hey”. I said, “Hey”
and a lengthy silence followed. I felt a little awkward so I
formulated a perfectly innocent and non-offensive question about his
Harley. Just before I had the chance to ask it, however, he began
snoring like a tractor. Sometime later when other vehicles began to
arrive I thought it prudent to give him a gentle wake-up tap on the
shoulder. I didn't want to start my holiday by seeing one of my
biker- brothers dragged off by the RCMP.
crossing to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island took about an hour and a
half. It was nothing less than spectacular. Equally beautiful was the
Island's coastline bearing North along Highway 19 and passing
through the sea-side towns of Parksville, Qualicum Beach and Fanny
Bay. When glancing to your right, you see the breathtaking views of
the Georgia Straits and the western coastline of the BC mainland
still relatively untouched by man for the most part. The Pacific
generally appears calm compared to the choppy white-caps of the
Atlantic surrounding the shores of Great Britain. While surrounded by
the awesome beauty of nature its important not to become distracted
when riding on the highway. I was happily enjoying the sights when I
noticed a large eagle soaring high in the sky before me. It just
didn't look right and it gave me the creeps. Suddenly, he assumed a
dive-bomber approach aiming directly for me. This was no ordinary
eagle. The closer he got the bigger he became. He was the big
granddaddy of all Eagles. He came directly for me with his wingspan
reaching practically from one side of the highway to the other and
with talons outstretched as if to pluck me from my bike. However, a
cool head and simple physics prevailed. Even if he did have the
strength to lift my body-weight of 165 lbs there was no way he could
possibly lift both me and my 600 lbs Harley. Consequently, I held on
to my bike very tightly while he skimmed the top of my windshield and
veered upwards and away. I'm glad I didn't end up in that eagle's
nest having my eyes picked-out for his supper. The City of Campbell
River was our last major stop before heading on to Port Hardy and the
Northern Ferry Terminal. Campbell River was most impressive due to
its shoreline displaying a hundred or more Totem Poles newly crafted
by the very talented Indians of that area.
the Airport Inn Motel at 5:00am for the Port Hardy Ferry Terminal was
somewhat challenging. It was pitch black, foggy with heavy dew and
with light rain. Visibility was limited. GPS (SAT/Nav) was helpful in
finding it. Finally....What a treat! It was a scene right out of the
twilight zone. Dozens of tall, powerful lamp-posts illuminated the
entire harbour. The artificial light amplified the effects of the
fog even more resulting in everything having an eerie, ghostly
appearance. But, best of all, I found myself looking down the jaws of
our ship - The Northern Expedition. Its bough was wide-open and
cranked-up vertical fully exposing the vehicle decks (see photo). It
was a “Ghost Ship” right out of a Hollywood movie. It was a
lengthy wait before departure and during that time over fifty
motorcycles arrived. It was a show better than the Vancouver
motorcycle show. I was talking to a husband and wife from the States
each riding similar BMW motorcycles. I was asking her what did she do
for a living. I was surprised when she replied. “I'm a pilot. I fly
the Airbus 330 from America to Europe and back”. So you see – you
never know what type of classy people you meet on these biking
Count 855
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